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U.S. Air Force Awards Wright Patterson Air Force Base Image, Sensor, Radar Data Generators and Unified Storage Center for the F-35 and F-22 Joint Synthetic Environment (JSE) to Aechelon Technology Inc.

US Air Force preflight checks inside an F-35A Lightning II stealth fighter aircraft before a training mission

2025 UPDATE: See unclassified articles on the JSE results in Air & Space Forces Magazine and National Defense Magazine.

San Francisco, California — 24 August 2021 — Aechelon Technology Inc. announced today that the U.S. Air Force has exercised options for additional Image, Sensor, and Radar Data Generation Systems and Unified Storage Center for the Wright Patterson Air Force Base.  The Image Generators are required to support the high-fidelity F-35 and F-22 Joint Simulation Environment.

Aechelon Technology was previously awarded over one hundred systems and several Unified Data Centers for Edwards and Nellis Air Force Bases.

Aechelon Technology will supply its state-of-the-art pC-NOVA Nucleus™ 8-GPU Image Generators, a true multi-spectral multi-channel compact image generator featuring Multi-GPU NVIDIA® Quadro® with a dramatically reduced footprint. The Aechelon Nucleus incorporates C4ISR grade GPU-based simulation of OTW, NVG, EO/IR, and Radar support.

Aechelon Technology will also provide Aechelon’s large-scale data center infrastructure for the USAF’s rapid correlated database processing and update needs.

The system integrates a full resolution worldwide 3D visual and sensor database with extensive domestic and foreign areas of interest. This Global database is already deployed and being used on other DoD programs without the need of down-sampling, de-rating, or modification—thus ensuring complete correlation and commonality with other U.S. DoD devices also utilizing Aechelon Technology Image Generators.

About Aechelon Technology

Aechelon Technology is a leader in real-time computer graphics applications for training, simulation, and entertainment markets. The company provides COTS-based, high resolution, multi-channel, geo-specific image generators, OTW, and correlated sensor databases and integration services. The company’s image generators are fielded, proven, and are delivered with full logistics support and documentation. Aechelon Technology is ISO 9001:2015 certified, and is located on the Internet at and headquartered in San Francisco, CA.