South San Francisco, Calif. — 29 October 2024 — Aechelon Technology Inc. announced today that prime contractor Veraxx Engineering Corporation has reached Ready for Training for the CH-53K Advanced Aviation Training Device (AATD) 1.
The new mixed-reality static training device is the first of its kind to support both pilot and aircrew training on the CH-53K King Stallion. Veraxx developed the AATD prototype for the H-53 Heavy Lift Helicopter Program Office (PMA-261) using Aechelon Technology Mixed Reality Image Generators.
The AATD provides mixed reality goggles for pilots, which simulates the external environment while also allowing them to see their hands. The crew chief also wears a set of goggles, but these are virtual reality instead of mixed reality.
The advanced Aechelon MR Nucleus™ supports advanced cross-cockpit and chin window precise per-pixel mixed reality operation with both pilot, co-pilot, and crew interoperating. Even though the crew chief station is physically located behind the cockpit, the training can simulate being anywhere inside or outside the aircraft.
PMA-261 manages the cradle-to-grave procurement, development, support, fielding and disposal of the entire family of H-53 heavy lift helicopters, including the CH-53K King Stallion, the CH-53E Super Stallion and the MH-53E Sea Dragon.
Aechelon Technology with Veraxx already supplies CH-53K Full Mission Simulators to the USMC using classic display systems.
As a multi-mission, day/night, night vision device Aechelon Technology supplies supply its state-of-the-art pC-NOVA Nucleus™ 8-GPU Image Generators, a true multi-spectral multi-channel compact image generator featuring Multi-GPU NVIDIA® Professional® with a dramatically reduced footprint. The Aechelon Nucleus combines C4ISR grade GPU-based simulation of OTW, NVG, EO/IR.
The system integrates a full resolution worldwide 3D visual and sensor database with extensive domestic and foreign areas of interest. This Global database is already deployed and being used on other DoD programs without the need of down-sampling, de-rating, or modification—thus ensuring complete correlation and commonality with other U.S. DoD devices also utilizing Aechelon Technology Image Generators.
About Aechelon Technology
Aechelon Technology is a leader in real-time computer graphics applications for training, simulation, and entertainment markets. The company provides COTS-based, high-resolution, multi-channel, geo-specific image generators, OTW, and correlated worldwide sensor databases and integration services. The company’s image generators are fielded, proven, and delivered with full logistics support and documentation. Aechelon Technology is ISO 9001:2015 certified, and is located on the Internet at www.aechelon.com and headquartered in South San Francisco, CA.
pC-Nova Nucleus is a trademark of Aechelon Technology Inc.
NVIDIA is a trademark of NVIDIA Corporation.